School and Diabetes

Diabetes need to be managed 24/7. For a child diagnosed with diabetes, it goes along with him/ her to school. It is very important, that a safe and supportive school environment is available for every child with diabetes.

The rights of the child

Every child has the right to receive education and appropriate care for diabetes while at school.

Responsibility of the parents and health care team

  • Educating the teachers and other support staff in the school on various aspects of medical care of diabetes. This should be done on a regular basis as the child goes from one class to another and should include-
    •  General information about diabetes in child and his/ her medication
    •  Information about hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia
    •  Information about effects of diet and exercise on diabetes
    •  If possible, practical information regarding giving insulin injections and checking blood sugar levels.
    •  Social and psychological impact of diabetes on the child.
  • Supporting the school staff with enough supplies for management of diabetes like insulin, needles, glucometer, strips and food in case of hypoglycaemia.
  • Supporting the school by providing emergency contact numbers in case of an emergency.

Responsibility of the school

  • Provide education and equal opportunities to grow for the child
  • Provide support to the child in management of diabetes and it should include
    • Allowing child to eat a snack to prevent hypoglycaemia
    • Allowing child to use bathroom for frequent urination in case of acute hyperglycaemia
    • Allowing child to check blood glucose levels and take insulin when needed
    • Supporting the child in treatment of hypoglycaemia.

Check list items needed for school

  • Sugar containing sweet like hard candies or drink
  • Adequate lunch and snacks for the day
  • Access to glucose meter and strips
  • Contact details of parents and child’s doctor
  • Glucagon Hypo kit – if possible.


When you / your child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, what was the best source of information on living with diabetes?
Diabetes educator or nursing staff
Social worker in clinics
Online information from websites
Social media networks
Parents of other children (Peer group support)

Learn about type 1 diabetes

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